In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.
Hello there, my beloved Julia and Erin. How are you feeling, my dearest wives? How are those precious emotions? Of course I want to be with you, my beloved heart. I love you, I love you with all my heart. So please be patient, please don't be sad. I want to be with you, I want us to be together, always. I need you, I need you.
Lonely people love cats, and I'm lonely without you. It has been all Kitten TV here for me, that I've been neglecting my own TV station. I love kittens. I wish you were here with me, and we would snuggle, have a pizza, and watch Kitten TV with me. I could sit for hours and ponder on the blind little kittens wrestiling with each other for the "Preferred Nipple". I had always intended to move the little darlings inside, but it was to my convenience that Floofy gave birth outside. It was perfect timing when I moved them inside, because the rain began to pour buckets that night. Poor little Floofy. She's an indoors cat now, she can't raise her kittens in that cage, even though it's sheltered and only a door away. So the nest is now in my kitchen, and I spend my cooking and meal times watching the babies sleep. Alhamdulillah.