Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The all-white cat is not all-white after all

Hi Erin and Natty!  How are you?  How's business?  Your bosses should give you the big bucks for all the attention you're bringing to their business.  Please stay fit and keep calm.  We've only just begun.  I had a coconut omelet for dinner, and it turned to be successful.  Kitchen work actually exasperates me.  Maybe it's brain damage from working at the pizza joint all those years.  Or maybe I got it from my mother.  But it is a blessing, since I like my own cooking and I'm not likely to poison myself, so alhamdulillah.

Little Yoolie is growing up so fast!  She's not squeaking anymore!  I should have recorded that squeak when I had the chance, but it didn't occur to me to do so, and now the squeak has become a high pitched meow.  You don't know what you've got until it's gone.  😢  It seems that the all-white cat is not all-white after all: she has a dark snout.

At first I thought it was dirt, and I tried to scrape it off, but it turned out to be the color of her skin.  So the all-white cat is not all-white after all, but she's all wight with me!  Yoolie came to me the night of those 2 mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, what was that... the 6th of August?  Then on the 9th, a tornado ripped off my roof.  But the all-white cat of death has a dark snout.  What does it mean?  That the cat of death isn't the cat of death if she were well fed?  Then it's a good thing she's fat.  She's a chubby kitten now.