Sunday, May 5, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130506

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh Julia, I woke up too early today, so I'm feeling rather spacey.  How are you, my love?  It's the day after the polls.  I thought I has to take Chee Cheah to the vet, but I had to postpone that.  Do I typed this letter at the Internet cafe.  Oh, I'm drowsy.

It seems that people are indoctrinated early in politics around here.  I can tell from the little kids who have their party affiliation scribbled on their grubby little notebooks and backpacks.  My vote was private until I cast it.  Sigh.  Fame is a liability.  But I guess it means that only Allah knows what's going on in my head.  InsyaAllah.