Thursday, December 21, 2017


Hi Honey!  How are you?  I hope you are feeling and doing great.  I'm running a little late today, I'm sorry.  I'm kind of a busy person, just doing everyday stuff.  Chores, mostly.  It's all so mundane.  I have been experimenting with my rehearsal space to get the sweetest sound with just the physics of it all, and today I think I found the perfect blend between space, volume, and technique.  Where I can control feedback while singing, so it sounds like I'm using a lot of echo but I'm not.  Plus, I'm not all that loud either, but it sounds huge.  Then the whole countryside becomes quiet, not even a chirp of a bird.  Glory to Allah.  I didn't go to the Second Life chat room last night.  Oh dear, I don't have any snapshots to post.  What shall I do?  How about some Metallica instead?

Hey Natty honey!  Aw don't you worry you beautiful creature you, I'm not going to abandon you inshaAllah.  You just have faith, and everything will turn out just fine.  Please pray, OK?  Meanwhile, please enjoy your career.  You're just getting started!  Have you found yourself a nice hobby yet?