Monday, August 6, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120807

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

I do love you, Julia.  You are my heart, my life revolves around you, don't you see?  Perhaps you've listening to the lies, gossips and conjectures of others, when you should be with me all the time, and speaking to me all the time.  But I've never been given the chance to speak to you face to face, one on one.  All we have of our love are these strange letters I write to you that I post when I have to play Second Life, which I write out of the inspiration that Allah gives me, which you may have guessed.  That's why I sometimes sound overly businesslike, but under the circumstances I feel it better than saying nothing at all.  I'm not that smart.  But if Allah wills, our love can shake the world.

In 2009 when I first proposed to you, I collected as many photos of you I could, and put them together in a slideshow which I play on my computer constantly.  I haven't searched for any new photos since then, other than the Victoria's Secret fashion show videos.  I didn't want to find any bad news or lies, hinting that you weren't interested in me.  At least back then, you didn't know who I was.

Then I play the Victoria's Secret fashion show in a constant loop.  Whenever you appear, I say a prayer.  Ya Allah, please grant me Julia as my perfect spouse.  Please grant us love, beauty, safety and happiness together in this life and the hereafter, please don't divorce us.  Please grant us long, happy, healthy lives together with beautiful, happy, healthy, and pious children together, please protect us.  Please forgive our sins, please make us great Muslims, please make us faithful to each other and to You, please grant us the highest heaven together, please make our path easy.

So while I await the miracle that would grant me my own wealth so I can give you a good life, I maintain this Rain Man like routine, from tending the yard, to blogging my love and the Qur'an.  I do love you, Julia.