Thursday, April 27, 2017

Is it a man's world?

So let me try to guess what happened.  You were bored, so you went out for an adventure among the grass.  I would even go so far as to say that you were parading yourself.  Then you attracted the attention of a couple of gangs who were busy fighting each other, then they started fighting over you.  After 15 minutes of terror, you finally went home and counted your blessings.  You're a brave one, aren't you?  You are beautiful and brave.  I love you.  I want you to try to keep at home and stay safe, because I love you.

I woke up at 4:30 am.  It happens.  So I fed the cats, and did some extra worship.  Then I prayed the dawn prayer, and fed the outdoor cats.  I had bought some peanuts yesterday evening, so I was portioning them out when I heard Bat Cat and the Cat Bully challenging each other.  Batty is a friend of mine, so I decided to go out and help him.  When I opened the door, Floofy darted out.  It was still dark, so I couldn't see where she went.  I heard yowling over at my parents' gate, so I went there.  Floofy was challenging the Cat Bully.  I chased him away, and went to pick her up but she ran off again back to my house.  It was dark, so I could barely see anything.  I looked for her around my house and I found her in my back yard, challenging Bat Cat.  He left when I came, and I tried to quickly grab Floofy before she took off again.  She was still hyped up, so she clawed the hell out of my hands and I had to let her go.  Ouch.  She went around the corner to my front door.  I opened the door and she went inside.  I blame myself for being stupid.  Next time I'll just let Bat Cat fight his own fights.

Natty, I want you to tell your big brother to apply to be the next James Bond.  Not only is he perfect for the part, he's still young and would have at least 7 movies ahead of him.  He needs to work on his British accent though.