Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160512

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

How are you feeling today, my darling?  I hope you are having a great time, and keeping safe.  Busy, busy, busy.  I didn't have much energy today.  It was cool this morning, so it was easy to sleep in.  I hope you are getting plenty of rest.  Make sure you take good care of yourself, because I love you and I need you.  That was a cute video you posted, of that little girl.  Everybody is a star.  That's an old song and an old cliche, but it's so much truer now more than before, because of social media.  That's why the stars don't shine anymore, because they're just like everybody else.

My cooler is stuffed right now, so I have to use up as much old food and perishables as possible.  Fresh tofu has a short life, so I made stuffed won tons with cockles and tofu.  Then I had to finish off the dough, tomatoes and Enoki mushrooms, so made a pizza for dinner.  It was great, but still, the cheese.  I need the right cheese!  This cheese tastes good, but it could be so much better.  Oh well.  Alhamdulillah.

Please allow me to say something to Antonia.

Are you feeling better, Antonia?  I'm certain that if you are having anxiety attacks, they are most likely worsened by your diet.  You need to eat poultry and drink milk regularly.  I want to you to have your agent make arrangements for you to tour a cheese maker, preferably a German or Swiss cheese maker.  Just tell them you're interested in cheese.  It shouldn't cost much or anything, on the contrary it could be very lucrative for you and your bosses.  Now when you visit these everyday people, please look beautiful.  No, don't wear an evening gown.  A nice skirt suit maybe, and a little makeup.