Saturday, January 6, 2018


Hi Erin!  How are you today, my love?  How's your tummy today?  I'm guessing you've been practicing cooking, or have to eat local food.  What is local food in Costa Rica?  Perhaps you would like to show us?  Oh don't worry so much, Honey.  You have tons of courage.  Just be cool, and pray.  I made chicken and potatoes stewed in milk for dinner.  Asians usually are lactose intolerant, but I'm only like that sometimes.  Usually with bad combinations, or bad recipes.  After all, I did have to work with a lot of cheese for half my life.  So for dinner I cooked up chicken, potatoes, ginger, garlic and butter in milk and let it simmer for about an hour or so.  Then I garnished it with black pepper and dried onions.  It was a marvelous success!  Very cheesy.  No stomach problems either, at least not right now.  You must try some!  Oh, you don't like chicken?

Hey Natty!  Oh those shoes are so cute!  Do they hurt?  They're so pretty though.  I like your hair too.  I'm guessing that you are finally calming down, and getting into your work groove.  That's awesome.  You are more resilient than you give yourself credit for.