Sunday, February 21, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160222

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Precious.  Hello Darling.  **sniffle**  Yeah I got the sniffles again, so I'm not in a particularly good mood.  I have to work hard to protect my voice whenever I get a runny nose, so I spent my evening draining my sinus cavity.  Got to keep singing, right?  Everyday, right on schedule.  InshaAllah.

I want you to focus on being patient.  There is no perfect feeling while we are alive, but patience is the next best feeling, and something you can control inshaAllah.  The person who sincerely follows the path to God has faith.  To have faith means that you do not despair.  If you despair, it means you have no faith.  Money can't buy you faith.  You can see families raised on the values of money give in to despair, murder, and suicide.  Someone with a family history of suicide will be suicidal.  An angry and arrogant person will take many other people to die along.  This person who inspires despair and violence to others, when they don't get rich quick.  Mass despair, poverty, and hatred.

Again, people of faith do not despair.  Work towards your goal with patience and prayer.  I want you to know that you are loved.  I love you, and I need you.  I will not abandon you inshaAllah.