Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Movie night


Hi Natty!  How are you, Honey?  Are you having tons of fun?  Admit it, you are hooked on that crazy carousel.  It may have caused you panic in the past, but now you don't know any other kind of life.  Well you have your fun and get your travel kicks in while you are young, because travel is more fun when you're young.  Take care of your health and safety.  The funny thing is even though you are moving around, the carousel is actually anchored to one spot.  So you are actually going in circles around one spot.  What I do is stay in one spot, and here I stand my ground inshaAllah.  While you are riding your wooden horse, you might as well watch a movie with me.  Wait, it's an action movie!  I'm sorry it's not a girlie flick.  Honey you can watch this movie with me, or switch on your device on your side of the bed and watch your favorite girlie flick while I watch this testosterone driven action-packed thriller.  It's "The Equalizer" (2014).  Denzel Washington is excellent in this movie, and perfect for the role!  Great concept too, but I feel sorry for the sequels because it's not as much fun after you know who Bob McCall is.  I don't think I want anybody to know me except my wife.  Honey, please don't spill the beans on me until after I'm dead OK?