Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oh dear

Hi Natty.  How are you doing?  Yeah stepping up has its worries, particularly with jealous people.  Something that unknown and worthless people don't have a problem with.  Part of being successful I guess, so count your blessings.  Being the sociologist that you are, you probably feel bad about not being able to please everybody.  I hate pleasing everybody, especially the people I hate.  I guess I'm not as nice as you are.  Hey you that's bullying my Natty!  I know who you are, so stop it!  Technically, I'm still an unknown and worthless person.  I have no money and I have no Grammys.  So it's stupid of people to be jealous of me, right?  I am grateful to you that you protect your chastity as an act of faith in our love and marriage.  I truly appreciate it, and I love you for it.

Floofy used to be a fat cat, and weighed down by the inability to digest kibble.  Her daughter Lookie had always been more agile than her, being able to jump to the top of closets and counter tops easily.  Floofy had always been jealous of her kittens.  Ever since she stopped nursing them, she started to punch them around.  Lookie found solace in high places away from the bullying of her mother.  But since I put all my indoor cats on a chicken breast only diet, Floofy has gained strength and agility and is able to go all the high places she couldn't go before.  So now poor Lookie is a nervous wreck, having no place of escape from her domineering mother.  Except in my bedroom, when I lock the door.