Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Akeruka [AK Advanced] Bento Head V2.7 #Limited Edition

Hi Natty!  How are you?  What's going on?  Are you still keeping busy?  It must be warming up there in the mountains, it must be beautiful up there.  I really envy you that.  But the weather here has been mild lately, and I had fun things to do so alhamdulillah.  I hope you are keeping healthy, and that your life is filled with beauty and happiness.

I finally saved up enough Linden dollars to buy Mary Unknown7 the Akeruka [AK Advanced] - Bento Head V2.7 #Limited Edition.  It's actually a giveaway for one Linden but only for group members, and the membership fee was 150 Lindens, so it cost me 151 Lindens, which was all I had.  Yeah pathetic, I know.  But it's a pretty mesh head and much suited for Mary.  Check it out, this is the Catwa Freya head that she's been using lately:
And this is the Akeruka mesh head:
Big difference, huh?  It's the nose that makes most of the difference, I think.  Mary likes it so much more than the Freya head, and wants to use the Akeruka head from now on.  So I guess this will probably be the last photo session using the Freya head.  Also the white rosebud in my yard will bloom tomorrow inshaAllah, so that means the Mary's black outfit marathon is over and she will get back to wearing other colors.  Sundays are still black, of course.