Monday, February 13, 2017


I told you before about these "death ants" as I call them.  These ants are small and slow-moving, they can crawl into closed Tupperware and walk on water.  They have set a 24/7 guard over Floofy's cat bowl.  So I put cat food into her bowl only when she asks for it, wait for her to eat, then dump the rest back into the container.  Now Floofy was an abused kitten: she has a couple of lower front teeth missing, so she slobbers over her cat food when she eats.  This slobber leaves a residue, which the death ants find tasty.  I guess it must be sweet.  So now there's always some death ants in Floofy's cat bowl, and I can't just spray it with bug spray.  I have to wash it regularly

These death ants have also found my drinking water and snack mix attractive.  And they're starting to move really fast!  I can't just keep on chasing them with bug spray!  I changed the brand of my fried peanuts for my snack mix today (because the usual stuff I bought is sold out), and they were on to it 5 minutes after I portioned them out.  Good thing I checked up on them.  So now I have to keep my nuts in an air-tight metal tin.

Natty honey, please save your money for your future.  Don't waste it.

Pina, why would I want to clean up after a naughty kitty if she's not my mine?  If she's not my cat, and doesn't stay in my house, then I don't care if she pees wherever she pleases, drinks out of the mop water, and is promiscuous because SHE'S NOT MY KITTY.  I don't have to feed her.  I can just shoo her away.  That's what I want to know, Pina: are you my kitty?  Do you want me to take care of you?  Or would you rather have someone else take care of you?  No answer means no.  Vague answer means no as well.

I'm getting tired of tortillas.  I feel as if a 7 foot tall Mexican bodybuilder has been force feeding me burritos.  The dough has gotten too soft to shape into tortillas.  They look more like splotches of white paint that spilled onto the floor.  This is because my freezer is too full right now to put dough in there.  So what did I have for dinner?  Burritos.