Monday, September 3, 2018

Fish sausage

Hi Natty honey!  How are you today?  Oh, is that your big brother?  How's he doing?  How's his movie career coming along?  Right now he looks more like a viking than James Bond.  I think a tuxedo might help.  But I can't imagine his leading a mob of vikings in a tuxedo.  Are you hungry?  I'm afraid I didn't do much cooking today.  I had to get up early to take my Dad to the doctor, so I'm a bit drowsy right now.  I did my best to take a nap before voice training, but it's so difficult to fall asleep when it's sweltering hot.  Having my cat sleep in my lap didn't help, but I love her so much.  It's cooled down a lot now, though.  My Mom gave me some beef and potato stew for dinner.  I went to the night market just now, and picked up some raw fish sausage.  Oh, what is that heavenly smell?  The scent of raw fish sausage is sheer heaven to cats.  I had to lock them up in the kitty litter room while I portioned it out and put it away.  I would offer you some, but I haven't cooked it up yet.  This stuff is quite good when deep fried, crunchy on that outside and chewy on the inside.  You know, I think this stuff would be great on pizza too.  Too bad I'm not budgeted for pizza right now.  Maybe I'll chop some up someday and make a spicy Italian fish sausage.
Today's outfit is NYC!  Check out my shoes.  I love shoes!  I plan to have a gigantic collection of shoes.