Saturday, April 5, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140405

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

So I suppose this means while the rainfall is unpredictable right now, I may not be able to blog on time.  Well, only Allah can bring down the rain.  But please know deep down in your heart that I love you, I love you.  I will always love you, I will always love you.

Anyway after vacuum cleaning my room, I'm back to continue writing this letter.  I hate house cleaning!  This was after dinner, where I took the last of the squid I minced with onions and mixed it with the leftover stuffing I made for the fish.  Minced squid by itself always seems to end up as squid burger.  This leads me to the conclusion that baby squid is only useful for fried calamari and stuffing wontons.  Unless I want to try a cheeseburger made of minced squid.  As you can tell, I like to experiment with food.  This mentality is a by-product of poverty, is to test the variations and limits of whatever is available, or in the cooler at the time.  But it's such a fun thing to do, I would most likely continue the habit even if Allah granted me all the money in the world.  Wanna squid shepherd's pie?  Squidwurst?  I got it!  I can use a bigger squid as casing!  I think I'll try mixing squid with potatoes next.