Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The rain washes away the haze

Hi Erin!  How are you feeling today, Honey?  Busy as usual, I assume.  Well, I hope you are eating well and getting plenty of rest.  What is life without sleeping and dreaming?  Maybe we can do that together sometime.  Right now, I am keeping an eye on my dinner, which is glutenous rice with fresh tomatoes and salt fish.  Yeah, I really like that stuff.  You should try it someday.  Last night, I made spaghetti for dinner.  It had been raining continuously all day yesterday, so I couldn't go out.  Thus I made the sauce from fresh tomatoes, garlic, and basil which I have growing in a pot on my porch.  I cut the tomatoes into cubes, stuffed the basil leaves, garlic and tomatoes into the blender, turned the thing on, then pushed down on the mix until it blends.  Tomatoes have a lot of water in them, do this method works quite well.  But you have to be gentle with the blender.  I had to strain the sauce because of the water.  The sauce turned out a bit green, but I think it was a success.  The rain stopped today, and took the haze along with it.  Unless of course, you didn't get any rain.  So I did some yard work today, and organized the trash for burning.