Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Nice eyebrows

Natty, you're so beautiful.  I love you.  I couldn't give up on my afternoon coffee, I love it too much.  I had to give it up for the fasting month.  I only get 4 to 6 hours sleep a day, so I'm always drowsy.  But I only have one cup of coffee a day.  The coffee didn't work today, though.  I was struggling to stay awake during voice training.  That wasn't easy, folks.  I felt like my heart would stop.  Natty, I think I see some sun damage right under your throat.  I would guess that your skin is very sensitive to the sun, even with sunblock.  So please don't go walking around naked in LA.  Speaking of which, have you seen any of the nudist beaches over there?  I hear that they're uglier than the homeless encampments.