Friday, September 30, 2011

Letter to Julia 20111001

Damn bloodsuckers! It's not just mosquitos, but they also come in smaller sizes and shapes. That's one disadvantage of an equatorial location: because it's teeming with life, there are also many bugs here. Even the plants can reach out and grab or sting you. You are a supermodel. Yes you are, and your business commitments will probably double after we get married insyaAllah, plus your privacy will decrease because of who you marry. Do you feel like you're dragging a tree of spotlights under your jacket focused on you wherever you go, even now? At least out here in a village in the Malaysian countryside, there is less human activity, or less humans rather. The Matrix has us, Julia! My point is that you must protect the beauty that Allah gave you, which is another expense. Plus, you must try to cover your skin at all times is possible: I mean, please don't run around the house in just your Victoria's Secret lingerie.

I don't know how much free time I will have next week, because my Mom is going in for surgery so I have have to look after my parents. Cook and clean for them, you know. Please be patient with me. I do love you, my sweet Julia. You are my girl.