Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hello there

Hi Honey!  How was your day?  I hope you are feeling great.  I started my day early.  I had to get a newspaper for my Dad.  Yes, he still reads those things.  I use them too, but to cover my counter top.  I left home early, because I wanted to check out what was at the fish market.  It had rained last night, so I didn't expect anything good.  Fish prices are always high after the rain.  And so it was, everything was expensive and choices few.  I'm sure you are back in action after having a nice rest.  I should have taken a longer nap before voice training.  It always happens... I'm active in the morning and I get worn out in the middle of my set when I have to sing.  I have too much to do.  But anyway, I made more coconut croquettes for dinner.  Delicious.  Crunchy on the outside, and white and coconutty on the inside.  Here, have one.

Hey, I'm not yellow!  How rude!  Or did you fall ill, Natty?  Oh, is it a tan?  Hm.  I don't really like tanned skin.  Please don't get a tan.  I like smooth white skin and bright blonde hair.  I'm guessing that you are sensitive about food.  Don't worry, I can teach you how to cook.  God gave me a little knowledge on cooking.  My Mom is really sensitive about food.  She has to be the most competitive cook on the planet.  But here, have a coconut croquette.