Saturday, July 10, 2021

Qur'an 20210711

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

119.  Ah!  You are those who love them but they love you not, though you believe in the whole of the Book, when they meet you they say, "We believe," but when they are alone they bite the very tips of their fingers at you in their rage.  Say, "Perish in your rage: Allah knows well all the secrets of the heart."

120.  If aught that is good befalls you it grieves them, but if some misfortune overtakes you they rejoice at it.  But if you are constant and do right, not the least harm will their cunning do to you, for Allah compasses round about all that they do.

(The Family of Imran 3:119-120)

Just an average day

 Hi Natty!  How are you today?  Is everything going well for you?  I hope so.  Not much going on here today, just the usual.  I did some shopping for my mother in the morning.  In the evening, I cleaned out my oven in preparation for the Great Pizza Day.  It's not a great oven, just a toaster oven.  I obviously can't fit a big pizza in there, nor fully cook one.  I just use it to melt the cheese, and cook the sausage topping.  A long time ago, Doutzen peed on the door of the oven.  Doutzen was Lookie's sister.  Yeah, I named her after the Dutch model Doutzen Krous.  Let's see, I have a snapshot...

She's the kitty on the left, Lookie on the right.  I guess Doutzen had a low opinion of my oven.  So do I actually, but we make do with what we have.  I lost Doutzen a few years ago.  She was in heat so I let her outside to find a mate, and the humans took her life.  Anyway I cleaned the pee off of course, but it left a lasting rust scar on the oven door.

Dinner was a cheeseburger and fries.  Nice and simple, but I added the marinara sauce I will be using onto the burger.  Nice and simple sauce, with big tomato chunks.  Anyway, it's almost time for the sunset prayer.  I'm looking forward to working some more on my drum.  I love you!