Thursday, November 22, 2018

I am who I am

Hi Honey!  That certainly is a wonderful new campaign you have there, and you are perfectly cast as a model for ski attire.  Your voice has lowered a little, and it makes you sound more confident and sexier.  I like it.  I want you to enjoy this time where things get crazy and exciting.  Get your fill of it before we get married inshaAllah, but be sure to protect your chastity.

As for me, I have already done my time doing crazy and exciting stuff, and under more dangerous circumstances than you.  Now I have to stand my ground here and follow this routine, because this is my mission, this is what Allah instructs me to do.  I endorse you because you are my wife inshaAllah.  So be prepared to someday give up the crazy life to live the life of a bored housewife, who gets a free house and all expenses paid, to raise children who together we will train to take care of their mother when she gets old.  A good Muslim wife inshaAllah.  If you can't do this then go ahead and bail out now, and I will go online shopping for another pretty blonde/s to marry.