Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Wasn't 2016 an intense year, Honey?  You started the year kind of sleepwalking, as I remember.  I stopped trying to talk to you via YouTube, and tried your Instagram instead, which I think made both our lives more exciting.  Then Ramadan happened and people started to fight over your beauty (to put it mildly).  Was that before or after the President tried to pimp you?  Who knows what this next guy will do.  Then the Cubs won!  You thought they were going to lose, didn't you?  Looks like 2017 going to be more exciting.  Please pray that this year I get to give you a ring.  Please be patient with me.

Natty, my darling Natty!  Are you excited for what's going to happen next?  God bless your parents for having such a beautiful and wonderful girl that is you.  Thrasher Girl!  What happens next is all you, the adult you, so please move to Paris, have fun, stay safe and pray.

Pina!  Hello to you too!  Happy New Year!  Did you enjoy the holidays?  Did you eat a lot?  Are you excited for 2017, Pina?  Are you?  Are you?  Remember: your task is to take Italy!