Tuesday, October 15, 2019

With Allah as my Witness

I had a dream last night that I was transported back 80 years to when my mother was a two year old girl.  I got to see what this village looked like back then, with its mud roads and a few ramshackle houses on stilts, dispersed between rice paddies and thick jungle.  Now you have to drive half an hour to see any jungle.  The people are still poor, most of them, but there's no one sleeping on the streets, and the hospital is for everyone, so I guess in that sense it's better than America.  But I have a lengthy post today, so let's get to it:

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

60.  Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom you may not know but whom Allah does know.  Whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you will not be treated unjustly.

The Spoils of War 8:60

I am pleased to announce that I am only a couple of weeks away InshaAllah from getting a replacement for my Internet computer, so Mary Unknown7 can sing the voices of the dead to the whole world.  This is my mission, for only Allah can make the dead to speak, and Allah chose me to be the guardian of this music instead of some imam or politician.  It will have to be a piece of shit used computer, while the enemy and the forces of evil have teams of the most powerful and expensive computers to do their bidding, but this takes me everything I got, saving up the pocket money my mother gives me for cleaning her toilet and such.  Just as it took me everything I had to make music in America, and I was worked until my feet broke and I became homeless, then I moved here.  That is how Shadowplay became an Asian brand instead of American.  Granted, my piety has improved alhamdulillah, but people are the same all over the world.  Right?  So it should be obvious to the rest of the world how the Muslims here care about the Cause of Allah when they make me face the enemy with a plastic spoon instead of a battleship.  And to be honest with you, I don't really care about their caring anymore than I care about what atheists believe in.  And they will present lies and excuses such as:

1.  He never asked.
2.  We didn't know.
3.  We can't afford it.
4.  We didn't choose him.
5.  We're too weak and helpless.
6.  Let his mother finance him.
7.   He's not a prophet.

That's right.  I'm not a prophet.  The Last Prophet is dead.  So peace be on him.

And to put it in local language, "Kalau tak mahu tolong, jangan tolong."

Hi Erin

How are you today, Honey?  You seem to do quite well in general about keeping calm and collected.  It takes a lot to shake you out of your direction, huh?  Do you like the rain?  I would figure that being a Pisces, you would love the rain.  Well, I don't like getting caught in the rain but otherwise, I love the rain.  I'm just so sensitive to it.  It's been raining a lot lately.  But yay!  No yard work!  Dinner was pita bread stuffed with spicy tofu.  You want to try one?  I've really been into pita bread lately, because I can use the same pan for both the bread and the stuffing, and I don't need a rolling pin to stretch the dough.  Anyway, it's Tuesday so I'm going to shower then get to the mosque by sunset.  I love you!