Saturday, June 29, 2024

I want


Grace, that is a much better photo!  You should wear red lipstick with a flashy dress like that.  Well too late now, what's done is done.  I'm not a graphic artist.  If I had the ability to draw beautifully, I would never have left my bedroom as a teen. But I do have an eye for beauty, and that photo definitely would make a better album cover than the other.  The artist you found is darn good, hang on to him.  Next time, give him the photo before he begins his work and tell him to match the tones of the photo.  

You're still too young to have a sufficient pool of knowledge, even though your guitar playing is mature.  So you ask questions, and questions can get you into trouble.  Don't ask questions about things that if made plain to you, will cause you trouble.  Just do the best you can with what you have.

I am human, and I'm not without my vanities.  But the stuff that I want in this post does have its utility.  Don't buy it for me, folks!  I don't have money to pay the taxes on it!  I will pay for it myself when Allah gives me the money inshaAllah, hopefully they will be easy to locate.  I have big plans for that tiny drum kit.  I'm sure the one in the video has disintegrated by now.  Even if not, I will have him build me a new set that can handle daily playing.  Don't you think the tiny drums in the video sound so good?  How did he make those cymbals sound so awesome?

Then I want the kit that Karen played in the video below.  I believe it's standing in a museum in Downey CA, cymbals and all.  As far as I know, that was her first Ludwig set.  It's probably haunted, which makes me want it even more.

Then I want a Gibson Les Paul Traditional 12 string gold top.  Like the one the guy in the video below is playing.  Gold top only, please!  If I acquire it, I will name it "The Golden Calf 2".  Don't worship the Golden Calf!  Worship Allah!

Then I want a Warwick Dolphin fretless bass.  4 string only!  I like the Pro series especially the pickups and electronics, but I don't like the color of the bass in the video below.  I want it in hot pink.  I also want a modern Marshall 100 watt tube amp head, with speaker cabinets from the 60's.  With a MXR Dyna Comp, of course.  Ya Allah, please grant me all the stuff I want while I have the strength to enjoy them.  I already have my SG, but next post I'll show you my signature model.