Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Hi Honey

Say, that is a beautiful snapshot.  Very artistic.  You must really list the photo credit for everyone to know, because it is truly a work of art.  I have been a musician for a long time.  38 years.  I thought I would be dead at 30, but God keeps saving my life for some reason.  Now I certainly have work to do, and I put my trust in Allah to protect me and my loved ones.  😃  It may seem to the ignorant that I have a death wish, but what else is there to do?  My mission is to please Allah with music.  InshaAllah.  While it is true that I have a terrible weakness for pretty blondes, I have already chosen who I want to marry.  You should know by now what a stubborn person I am.  However, Allah still hasn't granted me wealth enough to be and stay married.  It's really up to you if you have the patience and faith enough to put up with me.

By the way, did you know that I am color blind?  Red green blindness.  For today's outfit, I felt like being an American high school dance queen.  I think I matched the colors acceptably.  The shoes match the lipstick.