Friday, September 2, 2016

Erin, do you like spinach?

I generally loathe salads, but for some strange reason I like spinach.  So I don't mind spinach salads at all.  You should eat lots of spinach, my darling.  Increase the quality of your blood.  Actually, I had a dream last night that I was feeding you spinach.  We know what that means, Popeye.  Right?  By the way, those shoulders and upper arms definitely look feminine, but don't let them grow out of control.  Exercise.

Aw Nat, you poor, precious little sweetheart.  You are such a beautiful girl.  You are so beautiful.  Those emotions will soon be under your control, inshaAllah.  Just a couple more days, and you should be normal again.  Perhaps you will realize then, that you have some stability in your life now.

Piene, please post on your Instagram as often as possible, so we know you're OK and still alive.