Saturday, August 5, 2017


My air conditioner died.  No, I'm not happy that my A/C conked out, I'm just trying to be grateful for what Allah has given me.  Perhaps Allah has something better planned for me, like a super powerful A/C that can keep this stuffy little room of mine freezing cold, because obviously the last A/C couldn't handle the job.  Right now I'm so tempted to move to Canada where it never gets hot, but my orders are to stay and stand my ground here.  How are you doing, honey?  You must enjoy summer.  Most women I know don't like cold weather but me, I certainly have plenty of  body heat to share.

Hey Natty, you're looking scrumptious.  Are you feeling good?  Oh, you're taking ballet?  I certainly would enjoy watching you dance.

Hey Pina, have fun in Cuba!  Have fun at whatever you do.  After all, only you are as pretty as you.

Qur'an 20170806

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

10.  And they say, "What!  When we lie hidden and lost in the earth, shall we indeed be in a creation renewed?"  No, they deny the meeting with their Lord!

11.  Say, "The Angel of Death put in charge of you, will take your souls.  Then shall you be brought back to your Lord.

The Prostration 32:10-11