Saturday, April 30, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160501

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, my precious darling!  How's it going today?  Are you feeling pleased with yourself?  Well I think you did great, and that near riot you caused proves that you are MY Rock and Roll Babe.  You should have dome some shopping while you were in LA before you headed south.  What's up with this mystery itinerary, anyway?  I find it hard to accept that it's entirely your doing: there's no way you could have infiltrated the LA underground by yourself.  Whatever you do, please be careful OK?  When life becomes surreal, always trust your heart and your dreams, and don't do anything you don't want to do.  Please pray.  Ya Allah, please protect my Erin and Antonia.  And have tons of fun!  You are MY girl, and you are the most beautiful girl in the world.  I love you and I need you.

Lunch was rather successful today.  It was more of a brunch, because I had some errands to run before the afternoon prayer.  I had some leftover rice from last night's sushi, so I made fried rice with crispy sole.  I wanted to make breaded shrimp for dinner.  Sounds normal, huh?  But I didn't have enough breadcrumbs, so I had to mix what I had with flour, and the shrimp didn't have the right appearance.  Plus, there wasn't enough of it.  I needed 3 times that amount for my voracious appetite.  I guess it's my turn to eat like a supermodel.  I would offer you some, but I ate it all.  Oh no, I forgot to make ranch!