Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151217

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Oh dear, what a day of mood swings.  I told you not to worry so much.  It's all that worrying that allows you to be influenced by other people to do what you don't want to do and feel how you don't want to feel.  No, not me.  I'm the guy that has to help protect you, and provide for your happiness and security.  There's no such thing as "the perfect feeling."  I told you this already!  No matter how much drugs or booze you ingest.  Instead of coming down from a high, just be patient.  Patience is the next best feeling.

Yeah, I get mood swings too.  But I already know what I want to do and where to make my stand.  Please try to stop drinking those funny tasting beverages.  Don't binge yourself into unhappiness with tons of food either.  Go running instead.  I heard someone say that running helps her think clearly and also releases endorphin, so she can't help but feel good later.  A friend of yours?

By the way, I love you and I need you.