Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The garden

Hi Natty!  Oh wow, it looks like you're having a lot of fun!  You look like you're foraging.  That area must have a lot of wild foods available, if one knows where to look.  I hope you have a good teacher- some of those wild foods can be poisonous.  It looks like you're digging for clams.  There are so many different kinds of shellfish available locally here.  The trouble is, they all live in mud.  Yeah, the local coastline is all mud.  It's teeming with life though.  That beach looks like an awesome swim at night, especially this time of year.  I used to go swimming at the beach at night when I was a kid, not really swimming but hunting for crabs.  Coastline crabs around here are small and don't have much meat in them.  But if the crabs are small enough (nickel or quarter size), you can just eat the whole thing crispy cooked.  I used to buy this Japanese snack of crispy fried baby crabs... so good!  Tastes like crab!
There is a prayer to say whenever you enter the garden to harvest, or do any gardening work period.  Say, "By the Will of Allah!  There is no power but with Allah!"  This is actually a mandatory prayer.  You will find the garden to be a very "random" place.