Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121024

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia, my love.  How are you feeling today?  I don't know if you receive these letters, but I write anyway because I love you, and I want to marry you.  I won't be coming in tomorrow to post a letter because I'll be fasting, and I just want to sleep all day.  Yes, it's lazy, but so am I.  Friday is the Hajj Eid, so I won't be coming in that day either.

They say the life of a showbiz pro is tough.  Yeah, it's tough: I've been in the business for over 30 years now.  Since I was a teenager.  They say a pop idol is very busy, and works long hours, and has to be very social.  But I don't want to be idolized.  I'd rather they idolize Allah.  They say a pop idol has be friendly to the media, and photograph well.  But I hate the media, and I don't want to be photographed.  I'd rather they photograph Julia.  They say a pop idol has to go everywhere, and do a lot of traveling.  But I'm sick of traveling, and people are the same everywhere.  I think I'll take a nap instead.  They say that a pop idol has to put out as much music as possible.  But I'm too lazy to do that, I want to watch Shadowplay TV, play video games, read comics, and snuggle with my sweetie.  I think I'll just record music whenever I feel good about it, and when it's fun.  They say a pop idol has to spend late nights at clubs and parties.  But I'm too lazy to do that.  I just want to snuggle with my sweetie and make the love.  They say I'm ignorant.  I say I'm lazy.  They say that's why I'm poor.  But I was poor back when I did everything they said I should do.  Since that's the case, then I'd rather be lazy.