Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120926

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Greetings, my beloved Julia.  How are you feeling today?  Me, I'm worrying over a cat again.  But this cat isn't mine, it's one of my brother's cats.  I just feed her.  She's having difficulty eating: everytime she eats something, she cries out in pain.  She's hardly eaten at all, she's gotten so thin.  I looked into her mouth, and it's all red, possibly bloody.  I think it could be mouth cancer.  So I have to take her to the vet before I blog this.  My Mom has been in hospital for cataract surgery.  She doesn't seem bothered by it: it seems to have gone smoothly.  Alhamdulillah.  Heh.  This is my life, bound by mundane routine.  Freedom had its fun, but I trade freedom for a chance for something more rewarding, in marriage.  To be with you, to love you, and be devoted to our family.