Hi Natty! How are you feeling? Do you miss me? I miss you. I love you, Natty. So please don't feel sad, and enjoy your position as Mrs. Rock Star. Have some fried rice!
I've been really into fried rice lately, because my tummy really likes it. There are so many versions of fried rice on this planet, so many bad versions. I believe in the "light and refreshing" approach. Have you noticed that some foods have such strong flavor that you don't need salt to taste it? Like fresh broccoli tastes like broccoli. Fresh tomatoes taste like tomatoes, and so on. So I dump these vegetables in last so that the fried rice has a salad effect to it. Today's fried rice had broccoli, tomatoes, and green onions for the raw items. I cubed the tomatoes, the broccoli I separated into tiny florets, and the leafy part of the scallions I gave a fine cut while the bulbs I cubed. The stems of broccoli I chopped along with the garlic and fried in a tablespoon of oil. Oooh, I needed meat otherwise my heart would bitch at me. All I had today was paratta bread, so I cut up some of my generic roast beef into the wok. When all that was nice and browned, I put in the white rice and broke it up. Leftover refrigerated rice makes the best fried rice. Then I put soy sauce in for color. Just color, not flavor. For flavor you need some MSG, in this case a sprinkle of anchovy bouillon. Stir that up real good, then make an opening to fry up an egg. While the egg was cooking, I squeezed some lemon juice on the rice. When the egg is done, chop it up with your spatula (I just use a dinner spoon), and mix it up with the rice. That should complete the rice part of the fried rice, and the rice have enough flavor, so don't add all sorts of shit to make it heavy. Mix in the raw veggies, and serve. In the snapshot above I used dried fried onions and salted radish to garnish. I think you would like my fried rice, Natty. Lookie was climbing all over me to get some. Good thing Adolf was outside. Oops! I ate the whole wokful. It was so light and refreshing.Last night, I visited Seventeen magazine. Google considers it a fashion magazine, so I went there. I didn't see anything interesting though, other than a couple of pretty young girls making out with each other. The credits for Mary's outfit today are:
::::FurtaCor:::Sansa outfit
Alli&Ali Designs Carolyn Hair
Amy White and Pink Garters and String by INSOLENCE
Classic Light White Nylon Seamed Stockings by INSOLENCE
QueensDesign DZ35 Princess platforms
TD Zoe Earrings
White Fringe Gloves