Hi Natty! Do you like me today? I love you. I was just wondering if all those jealous poops were turning you against me. I hope you are doing well, and having a wonderful time.
That girl in the video above seems to have a lot of money for a fashion intern, don't you think? I didn't really pay much attention to her Honey, I was just looking for content for today's blog. I had a dream last night that I was a fashion intern. There was a lot of interesting content in the dream that I won't talk about here, but I do have something to report. The bosses asked me what advantage I had over other interns, and I answered "I'm old." Well the music is from Allah, so I am not allowed to ask the humans for any compensation thereof. Mary and I are servants of Allah, we understand that and it's fine with us. Fashion however, I'm going to dress and dress Mary's avatar however I feel, and within my budget. I already have thousands of outfits for Mary's avatar, plus more. If any fashion bosses want to use Mary Unknown7 as a model, they will have to pay up. And what is the advantage Mary Unknown7 has over other models? She is a pop diva.