Hi Natty! How are you, Honey? I hope you're having a great time over there. Please keep safe and stay healthy. I just had dinner, it was a tofu omelet. Tofu omelets are really good Honey, and filling too. I'll make one for you someday inshaAllah.
Sure, we step up or down in life. Too many people care too much about the steps, and miss out on the stuff in between. We move from step to step in rhythm, and it isn't perfect. Or is it? It's truly a blessing if you were aware to step in rhythm as God planned.
Mary's outfit today is:
Here are my picks from the Antonio Marras SPRING 2022 READY-TO-WEAR collection. He had 98 looks on Vogue, but about 10 of them didn't load so I didn't get to see them. Tsk tsk! (waves finger) The servers at Vogue sometimes skip a snapshot or two, but Antonio lost 10 of them with me.