Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Sweet tomato


Hi Natty!  How are you, Honey?  I hope you are feeling calm and relaxed.  It's almost time for the Great Pizza Day!  I went shopping in the morning for ingredients.  I have to start prepping now so on the big day, all I have to do is put the pizza together.  Food prep isn't what it used to be for me.  What I used to accomplish in one work morning now takes me weeks to do, and in far less quantities.  But I'm so grateful I don't work in a restaurant anymore.  Tomorrow I will make the marinara sauce and my home made halal beef sausage inshaAllah.  I have a different approach for marinara sauce this time: I want big chunks of tomatoes in there, so it can easily fill up the deep dish.  Sometimes I can find Roma tomatoes, but not today.  I found the regular round ones, and not that great either.  But the cherry tomatoes looked marvelous and only slightly more expensive, so it looks like I'm making my marinara sauce with cherry tomatoes.
I still have some chicken liver left, and I need to use it up.  I also had some leftover steamed rice, so it was chicken liver fried rice for dinner.  The liver seasoning was only turmeric and salt, and I fried that up with the garlic until it almost disintegrated.  Then I added the rice and all the other stuff.  I normally prefer light and refreshing fried rice while liver is a heavy flavor, but the rice turned out quite successful.  A very dainty result.  I must remember this approach.  You wanna try some?