Are we having fun, Grace? You must be enjoying yourself! Rock Star!
Grace, where are all the bikers? I've been waiting for you to post some pictures of bikers at Hurricane Mills. Didn't you go? I say you did the right thing. You're probably just waiting for the right time to post those snapshots, and are just teasing us. No worries Honey, I posted a video of bikers for you. And a full moon!
Well, I had fun roasting peanuts last night. I went for a dark roast, and they came out perfect alhamdulillah (praise God). I can't afford ingredients right now, so my meals have been crummy. Ugh... rice and burger don't match. But I went ahead and bought the peanuts when I realized it was more frugal than buying sunflower seeds. Can't watch TV without snacks! Yes, it's my job to watch TV, because I'm a Rock Star. Want some peanuts? They're addictive!