Sunday, August 7, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110808

Certainly you see it, don't you Julia? In a business where the norm is greed, evil, machinations and sluts, having spirituality and righteousness would give you an edge way over the top above every other girl. A Muslim, too. What a special girl. Keep your faith sincere and give your best, my love: my understanding is that Allah will double your reward, more than any others in your field, in this life as well as the hereafter, and your sustenance will be most generous.

Your situation is not the same as mine. I have to undergo different tests of faith than you. Sure, I'm not in the States right now, and there is a Muslim majority here, but since I do what I do in the global music business, a Muslim too, it's still basically me and my kitty, hiding in a cave, adrift on a sea of enemies. Now if this journey were easy and the gains immediate, then people in general would be more helpful and receptive. But since the task is difficult, what I get is, "If only we could, we would help you." Allah knows these lies, and so do I, because I've heard it all before, when I had to walk alone among the drunk atheists and the Satan worshippers. I have been doing this work and have been giving it all I have for many, many years now, with Allah as my witness, and it suits me just fine if Allah is my only friend.