Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The ballet

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  How are those ballet lessons coming along, by the way?  I hope you are enjoying yourself.  I've always wanted to be a good dancer, but it never worked out for me.  Even before my feet grew 2 sizes from a foot injury, I wasn't a good dancer.  I never took lessons, though.  I love watching Astaire and Rogers.  Fred Astaire is such an awesome dancer, and his style is so unique, it's like a combination of tap dance and ballet.  But it's so much more mesmerizing to watch Astaire and Rogers together.  So beautiful.  Hey, maybe in the future we can figure out how to dance together.  It's an ambitious project for me: my feet are hurting from merely cutting the grass just now.  But I would love to try and dance with you, perhaps with patience we can make up our own routine.

Hi Natty honey!  How are those ballet lessons coming along?  Oh, you will do just fine if you stick to it!  You have the willpower.  Perhaps with enough time in toe shoes, you will learn to love high heels.  Oh you can go ahead and wear Doc Martens if you want, Hiker Girl.  Especially during your off hours.  High heels are so mainstream for the glamorous movie stars, though.  Or shall I say, "It's a mainstream expectation."  I ALWAYS wear high heels.  Well, my avatar always wears high heels.  It's so handy to have an avatar.  I get to be pretty too.  My wife always hogs the "pretty" spotlight in real life.  The computer wants you to watch "Stroszek" again.  This is on YouTube, with English subtitles!  Artsy girl.