Saturday, April 27, 2024

Movie night


It's movie night again!  "Whiplash" (2014).  At last, a movie for musicians!  I don't read music, though.  Well, maybe just a little bit.  I used to be a drum teacher for Yamaha.  I'm surprised they put up with me.  Actually they got sick of me after a few months, then commanded me to go to the big city for an unpaid internship.  I'm done with travel, so I didn't go.  Plus it sure seemed like a mob hit setup.  Mary is musically illiterate, too.  She is a 100% emotional singer.  Never ask her to play the drums, because she doesn't care about tempo.  You folks can hear this during her set: she's always catching up to the music.

Anyway, I like this movie.  I feel that the "cruel to be kind" approach for generating great musicians is bullshit.  It's all the same horse race.  This explains the ending of the movie: "Do you want to ride the winning horse?"  This is why music is not religion.  The world is a stage, and it belongs to God.  When God puts you center stage, that's where you have to be, whether you can handle it or not.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.

168.  The ones that say while they themselves sit, "If only they had listened to us, they would not have been slain."  Say, "Avert death from your own selves, if you speak the truth."

The Family of Imran 3:168