Sunday, April 8, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120409

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Wow. Time is moving so quickly. Today went by in a blink of the eye. On Sunday mornings I clean my parents' house, then I had to cook my lunch, which was chicken, chicken liver and onions on rice, then I had to rehearse for 2 hours as is my responsibility to nurture the voices of some dead women that Allah entrusted to me, then I had to cut the grass, then cook my dinner which was teriyaki beef on rice, then do my laundry as I write to my sweetie. Hi Sweetie!

I certainly hope I don't have to do any modeling in the future. I would rather you do all the modeling in the family. If I had a choice, I would wear only a sarong all the time, but I sunburn easily. I don't want to be photographed in this ape-like body. Ecch. This body is good for killing or breaking things, not for being photographed. My avatar would make a much better model. She's a bit on the petite side, but she photographs well. No, I don't want my own line of clothing.

Qur'an 29072009

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

71. Say, "Do you see? If Allah were to make the night perpetual over you to the Day of Judgement, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you enlightenment? Will you not then hearken?"

72. Say, "Do you see? If Allah were to make the day perpetual over you to the Day of Judgement, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you a night in which you can rest? Will you not then see?"

73. It is out of God's Mercy that God had made for you night and day, that you may rest therein, and that you may seek of God's Grace, and in order that you may be grateful.

The Narrations 28:71-73

Do you see? If Allah were to make the night perpetual over you to the Day of Judgement, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you enlightenment? Will you not then hearken?

Do you see? If Allah were to make the day perpetual over you to the Day of Judgement, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you a night in which you can rest? Will you not then see?