Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mickey Mouse

Didn't you have a Mickey Mouse outfit?  I swore I saw a photo you in one.  I personally don't subscribe to having a mouse as a role model.  Why couldn't he be Mickey Cat?  I love cats.  Even naughty kitties... well, sometimes.  Anyway with all what's going on in the world right now, you must be having a hell of a time being Mrs. Global.  Be cool honey, and don't worry too much about it.  Just follow my lead, and take shelter in my shadow.  InshaAllah, everything will turn out just fine.

Natty, I don't believe you have ever met Naomi Campbell in person.  Even if you have, I want your bosses to arrange for you to meet her AT HER HOUSE.  Trust me, it will be great for business.  InshaAllah.  Make sure you fly in on helicopter, so you can see her house from above.  I'm you sure will like her no matter what, but prepare for battle anyway.