Sunday, January 12, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140113

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, my most beloved Julia and Erin.  I didn't get a chance to blog my love for you on Saturday, because the Internet cafe was closed.  They usually open late on Saturdays, but after going to the market for more wontons plus other errands, I couldn't wait for them anymore, besides I had woken up late myself.  Of course I could have gone to the other at the other end of town and typed everything in, but I was running out of time until singing time, so I went straight home.  I'm sure you have observed that I don't do anything outside of my routine inshaAllah, this routine of waiting for you.  But I posted Saturday's letter today, if you wish to read it.  Please forgive me.  I love you so much.  I think of you and pray for you all the time.

Aaaaaaa.... I had to do ironing... I hate doing laundry... before that I made a batch of dough.  I seem to be making dough all the time now.  My Mom consumes a lot of it, and I eat it everyday for breakfast.  Just a tortilla, and some sauce to dip it in.  My dipping sauce is a bit strong right now, I think I'll add a can of sardines to dilute it.  Remind me to pick up some sardines on the way home from blogging this letter.  For dinner it was beef tenderloin and potatoes stewed in my shrimp combination marinade.  Thank you God, it was awesome.  When we are married inshaAllah, we'll plan all our meals OK?  Please be patient, my beloved.  Patience is the next best thing to bliss, and it's something you can control.  Please pray.

As you should already know, there is no priesthood in Islam: every person has a direct line to God, and no mediator thereof.  So there are no priests in Islam who hoard wealth taken from the people in the name of God, who for certain will receive a heavy penalty for doing so.  Sure, I have to live a spiritual life, but I'm no priest or holy man.  I am a musician.  I live day to day and dollar to dollar for the Cause of Allah, because I've realized that this is the only way for me to live.  I invest my life, as I have for decades now, for this music that Allah has given me, for the Cause of Allah, and not because no one else cares enough about this music so as to invest in it.  If I seem to have courage while everyone else is a coward, then that as well as the music is a gift from Allah.  Perhaps Allah will grant me my reward in this life as well as the Hereafter, with my Julia and Erin.