Friday, September 7, 2018


Hiya Natty honey!  How's it going for you today?  Busy, busy?  Well, I hope you are taking care of your health and learning to relax.  Calm that heart!  It's business as usual for me today.  There are plenty of tasks that I can't complete during the course of the day, but I do as much as I can then pick up where I left off the next day.  So many tiny little details, it's like having 4 cats set up booby traps along the way as the day goes on.  Well, yeah.  I've been watching a lot of movies lately.  You don't have to watch these movies, I'm just telling you about them.  The computer will decide what movie you should watch.  I don't know precisely how I became a movie mogul.  MashaAllah.  I think it has something to do with the fact that I have no privacy, and I don't do much talking to myself, so what's left for them to listen to is the TV, and the TV becomes an endorsement to whatever show or product is being featured at any particular time.  Strange, huh?  There are movies that I love, but I don't love watching movies, and there are many movies that I can't finish.  But somehow and lately, watching movies has become work.  Recently I watched "Samsara", which is a beautiful and visual movie, but sleep inducing.  I had to take 3 naps to get through the movie.  10 pm is the time I have time to sit through an entire movie, but I naturally get drowsy at that time too.  "The Tree of Life" with Brad Pitt is another sleepy movie, beautiful and visual as well, but I only needed one nap to finish the movie.  Right now I'm in the middle of "Life or something like it" featuring Angelina Jolie (as a blonde), which I will finish watching later.  No naps this time.  Just no time.  Busy, busy.  Do you remember Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?  A Hollywood romance?  Ya Allah, please keep me and my wife together forever.

I have decided that the reason I got shot and killed during voice training yesterday is because my outfit was too slutty, and it generated undue sexual arousal in my assailant.  So I dressed down today.  The skirt is still kind of short... I guess I can't get away from miniskirts.  I love them.  It's my Sailor Moon influence.  Oh well, back to the drawing board.