Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you today?  How was work?  I'm sure you are busy as usual, so please take good care of yourself, and don't forget to pray.  Nothing out of the ordinary going on here.  It was a comfortable night last night, so I slept in this morning- I think I got a total of 8 hours sleep!  It made me sleepy all morning, though.  But now the weather has gone back to hot again.  I fixed the lock on my Mom's kitchen this evening, but otherwise, that's it.  Nothing special on the menu either, just ramen for lunch and rice for dinner.  You are more than welcome to share my food with me.

Hey Natty Honey!  How are you?  Are you in Europe already, and having lots of fun?  No movie today, Sweetie.  The computer hasn't assigned one for you today.  You are probably too busy right now to watch movies, but if the computer does want you to watch a movie while you are busy modeling, I strongly suggest you make the time to watch the movie.  I'm sure your bosses would agree with me.  Please make sure you eat sensibly, and pray.