Thursday, January 7, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160108

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey there, beautiful woman!  Hi there Gorgeous Girl!  How's business today?  There's always something going on with you, huh?  Isn't the SuperBowl up next?  I'm sorry, but I'm not much of a sports fan.  I'll be your sports wife.  I love you and I need you.

My Dad gave me a snapper this morning, about a kilo or less.  But a good enough meal for one, so I filleted it into sashimi.  I'm getting the hang of sashimi design.  I find it easier to arrange the slices into a bird instead of a flower.  You like sashimi and sushi, don't you?  I have a feeling that your stomach is getting fussier just like mine, and you're finding out that instead of all that gourmet food they display in front of you, you're much more of a burger and fries kind of girl.  My tummy is feeling better, alhamdulillah.  Plus, I just made a super batch of dough.  The bread is so nice and soft, I had to stick half the batch into the freezer so it lasts longer.  But mackerel in traditional hot sauce with super soft tortillas is for dinner.  Want some?  How about you?