Thursday, June 7, 2018

Hi Honey

How are you today?  How was work?  You must be very busy.  Because you're so sweet and pretty and nice, while I'm so mean and moody and unknown...  I took it quite easy today.  I had to do some house cleaning for my Mom, but that was all I was able to do in the morning.  I absolutely have to be well rested for voice training.  But in the evening, I went to pay the Internet bill, and bought peanuts, burger buns and chilli powder to keep Chee Cheah off the counter top.  Just because a cat knows she's elderly, she thinks she can get away with anything.  I'll be making cheeseburgers with eggs for breaking fast tonight.  Plus I have some shaved ice to cool me down.  Yummy!  Want some?

Hi Natty Honey!  Aw, you poor beautiful girl!  Don't you worry Sweetheart, everything is going to turn out just great inshaAllah.  You're going to have so much fun, and you are going to have a great life inshaAllah.  So hang in there, Gorgeous.  And know that I will take care of you inshaAllah, because you are MY girl OK?