Monday, March 25, 2019

Traveling all alone

Hi Natty!  How are you, my precious sweetheart?  Are you having tons of fun?  I sure hope you are not traveling all alone.  I assume you would have your twin brother accompany you.  I wish I could be with you in your adventures, but I have to work.  Please forgive me.  Give your brother my thanks, and I hope he is compensated for his service.  Natty, you are truly a princess of the world.  MY princess.  You are beautiful, and I love you.  Check out this video: doesn't Francine Patterson look familiar?

Please don't run away from me to raise gorillas!  I want you to marry me!  Instead of gorillas, let's raise children together!  😭

The kids that come here for school holidays usually have their parents drive them.  After all, they're just children.  Then there are some who travel all alone by way of bus, on meager savings, to find a reputable place to stay and a spot to listen.  They could have just listened over the Internet like the rest of the world, but they chose to come here alone and be part of the weather.  I want to say to these people, "Thank you, and I pray that Allah protects and rewards you, and that the local government protects you.  I hope I didn't disappoint you."