Thursday, July 30, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150731

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  How are you, Sweetie?  Prepping for football season already?  Go team!  I'm sorry I'm not much of a sports fan.  I guess I need to find out who won the 2015 Ladies Figure Skating Championships.  The only sport I like, and I don't keep up with it.  I'm a big fan of you, though!  Go team!

It's just another everyday day for me here.  I went downtown to pay my phone and Internet bill in the morning.  I wanted to eat at one of my usual spots but it was closed, so I went home and cooked up some beef and potatoes.  In the evening, I cut grass over at your house inshaAllah.  Nothing too special for dinner tonight, just fried calamari.  Squid, flour, eggs, salt and pepper.  But oh so addictive.  I had a lot of cuttlefish, and today I only fried up just the heads and I'm stuffed.  Yeah, I ate your portion.  If you may say that.  Your portion is my portion.  Married people.  One plus one is one.  I love you, and I need you.