Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Ring of Power


Hi Grace.  It's OK to be scared, just put your fear in God.  Think, "What is God going to test me with next?"  More of the same, probably.  You crossed the line by going to LA, now there's no turning back.  Things would have moved slower if you booked your album release show in Nashville, but oh well.  That's life Honey, sometimes we do shit to ourselves.  I see that September is going to be busy for you, so enjoy your home time while you can.  Give your heart a break, and don't overwork.  And that should be your agenda from now on, Rock Star: avoid overwork.  Take heed, Mom and Dad: ONE stroke, and the music is gone forever.

Grace, you were absolutely sane and professional at Jimmy Kimmel live.  Wow, Jimmy Kimmel looks just like Jeff Goldblum!  I'm a fan of Jeff, that open mouth grin at the end of the intro was classic.  He's probably a mobster, though.  Hey Jeff, the last Jurassic World was a mistake for everyone involved!  Crap finds a way!  Esther looked awesome, that's the best I've seen her look on stage.  She needs to kiss the mike for those low notes, kind of what the singer for the Cramps is doing in the video below.  Well, not quite.  Your outfit was borderline, but I decided to like it after seeing the back.  I hate the striped suit, though.  Please don't dress my Grace like a clown!  Dress her elegant!  The sax player looked like he was placed there by the producer so that there would be more white people on stage.  Mookie seemed totally thrilled to be on Jimmy Kimmel.  He's the oldest member of your band, right?  It must have been a dream come true for him.  I say there's a lot more to come, so hold on to your hearts.